Worst Shoes for Your Feet

Supportive shoes can prevent ankle, knee, hip, and back pain if worn regularly. Finding the right shoes is an investment in your future as nobody wants to struggle with the pain caused by unsupportive footwear. Your feet are the foundational support for your entire body, so supportive shoes are key. Below are some of the worst shoes for your feet that you should avoid at all costs.

Avoid These Shoes

Fashion is fun, but it’s likely not worth the pain later. The following shoes will wreak havoc on your body:

High Heels:

It is almost common sense that heels are some of the worst shoes for your feet. Heels change the alignment of your body and put major stress on your legs, hips, and back. Wearing heels regularly can even cause your Achilles tendon to tighten and shorten. They also put more pressure on the balls of your feet, impacting the natural padding in your feet. Avoid wearing heels if possible, as they can have a lasting impact on your body.


Similar to heels, platforms can cause a lot of issues and lead to major hip and back pain. They also put you at a much higher risk for rolling your ankle, which can cause even more problems.

Ballet Flats:

These provide very little support and cushion for your feet. They also have zero arch support, which can lead to plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is caused by the excessive pulling on the plantar fascia, an important arch-supporting ligament. This can cause pain and inflammation in your heels. Opt for a more supportive shoe or use sole inserts to compensate for the lack of support.

Flip Flops:

Similar to flats, flip flops provide zero support. In addition to plantar fasciitis, you can develop Achilles tendinitis, bone spurs, and even hammertoe. Poor mechanics cause tendinitis in the foot, which leads to overstretching of the tendon. Other types of supportive sandals can provide you with the free feel of flip flops.

Pointed-Toe Shoes:

High heels or flats with pointed toes negatively impact the mechanics of your toes. If worn consistently, pointed-toe shoes can cause your toes to permanently curl under. This requires medical intervention, so choose shoes that allow your toes to rest naturally.

Flexible Shoes:

If you can bend or twist your shoes easily, they will not support your feet, ankles, or arch. Try and avoid shoes that can bend in half altogether if possible.

Podiatrist Approved Footwear and Tips

  • Sneakers: Athletic shoes that fit your arch are the most supportive option when it comes to footwear. Most sneakers last about 500 miles (or roughly six months), so be sure you don’t continue wearing them after they’re worn out. You risk injuring yourself if you do so.
  • Wedges: If you are truly focused on wearing shoes that give you some height, consider low wedges. You shouldn’t go higher than 1.5 inches as it can impact the mechanics of your gate and put pressure on your knees, hips, and back.

You should rotate what shoes you wear every few days. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes for more than four days in a row. Alternate your footwear as much as possible. You should also wear very supportive footwear if you know you will be standing or moving for a long time.


If your feet are causing you pain, visit the top Los Angeles foot surgeon today!

Dr. Jamshidinia in Los Angeles

If you are having issues with your feet or need help finding the right footwear, contact Dr. Jamshidinia at Jamfeet. He is a board-certified surgeon and a top foot and ankle doctor in Los Angeles and surgery. Dr. Jamshidnia and his team believe in comprehensive patient care and are focused on getting you back to full health. Contact Jamfeet today for an appointment!