The Best Way to Treat a Tailor’s Bunion

The Best Way to Treat a Tailor’s Bunion

Similar to a bunion, a bunionette (also known as a Tailor’s Bunion) is a bump that develops on the outside of the foot, near the base of the fifth toe. The bump is caused by an enlarged portion or misalignment of the bone (the fifth metatarsal head), and it is often associated with a misaligned 5th toe or the little toe.

The name tailor’s bunion hails from decades ago, at a time when tailors would sit crossed-legged all day and the outside of their feet would rub on the ground. This is how the bony enlargement of the fifth toe came to pass.

Here is a list of ideas to take off the pressure from Tailor’s bunion pain

  • Bunion Splint Helps to realign the big toe on mild to moderate bunions.
  • Yoga Toes Helps to and prevent several foot problems, the biggest one being bunions.
  • Bunion Pads Help relieve pressure and reduce bunion pain.
  • Injections Treats inflamed tissue around the joints.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication Can help with pain and inflammation.
  • Orthotics Help to support and disperse your weight over the entire surface of the foot.

Help to support and disperse your weight over the entire surface of the foot.

If none of the above help in relieving the pain and pressure of a bunion or Tailor’s bunions, you may need to seek the opinion of a foot and ankle specialist or a podiatrist. The podiatrist will be able to examine your feet, take x-rays, and further advice on how to proceed with treatment.