Bunion Facts | 4 Facts About Bunions

Bunion Facts | 4 Facts About Bunions

Gender Plays a Role

Bunions most commonly affect women, but that does not mean that it affects 100% of women and 0% of men. Bunions typically form when the pressure of weight-bearing and walking is unevenly spread across the foot and across both genders. The result of this uneven distribution is often joint instability and deformity. Most common causes of joint stability and deformity are:

  • Foot injuries
  • Inherited foot types
  • Congenital deformities present at birth
  • Pronation in walking patterns
  • Stress caused by an occupational-related hazard

High Heels Don’t Mean A Thing

Most people have mistaken high heels for the cause of their bunions because of the tight-fitting and narrow parts of the heels. It is true that shoes can alter the shape of your feet and exacerbate pain; however, shoes are not likely to be the cause of bunions. For the most part, bunions can be hereditary and in other cases may appear as a foot injury. Either way, instability of the big toe joint is the root causes of most bunions due to the offset balance of the entire foot.

Bunions Will Only Get Worse

Bunions commonly affect the inner foot at the base of the big toe but also can affect the outside of the foot at the base of the little toe. Without treatment, bunions will only get worse. Over time bunions can become larger and more painful. It is important to take action now and prevent chronic bunion pain in the future. Bunions can make it very difficult to find shoes that fit correctly and the only solution after that is surgery to remove the bunion.

BUT Here’s The Good News: Bunions Will Never Return After Surgery

Treatments for bunions can include rest, icing and alteration, off footwear, foot supports such as orthotics, medications, and steroid injections. Because of the variety of foot and ankle surgery options, your doctor can help you choose a method that tailors to your needs. Surgery is usually the final solution to severe bunions. There are many surgical options for bunions as well, but make sure you choose a board-certified – top of the line foot surgeon or podiatrist to perform your bunion operation.