How to Prevent Blisters While Running

How to Prevent Blisters While Running

For those who are avid runners or just starting out, nothing can halt your progress like a blister. Dealing with blisters can be painful and extremely uncomfortable. The best thing you can do for your feet is to try and prevent blisters before they cause you any problems. In the case that you can’t, there are ways to treat blisters once you have them.

If you have more questions about your foot health, reach out to top podiatrist in Los Angeles, Dr. Jamshidinia today!

What is a Blister?

Blisters are small, fluid-filled bubbles on the outer layers of your skin. Most blisters occur due to friction. They arise when something continuously rubs up against your skin. Blisters are wounds that take time to heal and properly caring for them is important.

The best thing you can do for your feet is to prevent these painful skin irritations. Below you will find some helpful prevention methods to keep your feet prepped and ready for your next run!

  1. Socks: Blisters are a response to friction. With that, wear socks that are breathable like nylon. Stay away from cotton as it can absorb any moisture and cause more friction between your sock and skin. Some runners will even double up on their socks. The socks then rub against one another versus your foot.
  2. Powders or Creams: There are special creams and powders that address friction and prevent blisters. If you have a spot on your foot that you know is going to cause you issues again, try an over-the-counter treatment. You can use foot powder, cream, or even Vaseline if you are in a pinch.
  3. Footwear: Because blisters are caused by friction, ill-fitting shoes, excessive moisture, or even the wrong socks can sabotage your running goals. Find the right footwear for your running goals. You’ll need something that is breathable to minimize moisture. You will also need shoes that fit well. If your shoes are too tight or too loose, you will run into problems with blisters due to unnecessary friction.
  4. Tapes: Similar to the powder or cream prevention method, tape can also help prevent blisters. For those areas on your feet prone to blisters, use moleskin or a specialized blister tape. There are some products on the market that are even water-resistant so they will protect you no matter how much moisture accumulates while you are running.
  5. Hydration: Keep your feet moisturized. Use lotion after you shower and be sure you don’t have any cracks or excessive dryness. This will worsen the friction and cause painful blisters.

Treating Blisters

If you weren’t able to prevent a blister, you’ll need to care for it safely and properly. Below you will find some helpful tips on how to treat your blister.

  1. Leave It: If possible and practicable, leave your blister alone. Many smaller blisters will heal on their own. If you got the blister from a certain pair of shoes or running, try the prevention methods above next time.
  2. Protect It: Blisters on your feet will likely need protection. You can use a band-aid or cut out a cushioned piece of moleskin. Place the cutout portion where the blister is so that the padding can cushion any pressure that would have directly impacted the blister. Make sure to allow airflow as your blister will need it to heal.
  3. Drain It: If your blister is really painful or filled with a lot of liquid, it’ll likely need to be drained. While this can be done at home, there are risks. When draining a blister there is a major risk for infection as you will be puncturing the skin on your own. If you think you need to drain your blister, contact a professional for advice before doing anything yourself.

Dr. Jamshidinia in Los Angeles

Dr. Jamshidinia at Jamfeet is a board-certified foot surgeon trained in all areas of foot and ankle surgery and treatment. Dr. Jamshidinia and his team believe in comprehensive patient care and are focused on getting you back to full health. Contact Jamfeet for any of your foot or ankle needs!