Common Heel Pain Myths

Patient on ground with common heel pain

Heel pain can impact your daily life due to the impact it has on your gait and mobility. Many people with heel pain avoid going to the doctor until their pain is unmanageable. Heel pain is highly treatable so it’s important to seek professional help as soon as you notice the issue. Below you will … Read more

Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

woman trying foot care tips concept image

Serious foot issues can impact those with diabetes. Nerve damage, infections, and circulation issues can lead to serious medical issues. Taking care of your feet is an integral part of your diabetes treatment plan. Below you will find helpful foot care tips for diabetics so you can effectively manage the condition’s impact on your feet. … Read more

Is Athlete’s Foot Caused By Fungus?

Man itching athlete's foot cause by fungus

Athlete’s foot is a contagious infection that affects the skin on your feet. It can spread to your toenails and hands if not taken care of. For most people the condition isn’t medically serious, but it can be difficult to treat without the help of a podiatrist. You may wonder, is athlete’s foot caused by … Read more

What Is Heel Fat Pad Syndrome?

bare foot with heel fat pad pain

Heel fat pad syndrome impacts the thickness and elasticity in your heel pad. The condition is often due to the natural wear and tear that comes with natural aging. You may wonder, what is heel fat pad syndrome? The condition impacts the cushion pad on the bottom of your heel. The pad found on the … Read more

Why Does My Heel Hurt While Walking?

Person having heel hurt while walking

Foot pain is not easy to ignore due to how often you need to get around. One of the most impactful issues when it comes to your feet is heel pain. Roughly 40% of Americans experience it each year. If you have experienced the same thing you may wonder, why does my heel hurt while … Read more

Common Activities that Wear Down Your Heel

Person walking after activities that wear down their foot

Natural wear and tear on your feet is normal as you age, but in some cases heel pain can be much more serious. Heel pad syndrome occurs when the thickness and elasticity in your heel pad changes and wears down. When the fatty tissue and muscle fibers on your heel wear down it can cause … Read more

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Woman in pain from ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails can happen to anyone as they are fairly common. Despite being a common condition, they can be painful and even get infected if not treated early on. Ingrown toenails occur when the corners of your toenails grow into your skin next to your nail. This most often impacts your big toes, but it … Read more

How Orthotics Help Reduce Back Pain

Person about to step on custom orthotics to help reduce back pain.

Back pain is a serious issue that can create more problems if the root cause is not treated. Nearly 65 million Americans have reported issues with back pain and 16 million have chronic back pain. This can limit your daily activities, impact your mood, and reduce your quality of life if left untreated. If you … Read more

Can Non-Athletes Get Athlete’s Foot?

can non-athletes get athlete's foot?

The name itself implies that athlete’s foot is something athletes experience. You may wonder, can non-athletes get athlete’s foot? Despite the name, non-athletes can get athlete’s foot. The condition is a contagious fungal infection that can impact the skin on your feet whether you are an athlete or not. Below you will find some helpful … Read more

Causes of Common Toe Problems

Man checking foot for causes of common toe problems.

Your toes do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to helping you move around. They provide support when it comes to posture and balance, in addition to working with the rest of your foot to help support your body weight. Your toes also play a major role in your gait cycle as they … Read more