Types of Foot Procedures

Types of Foot Procedures

At Jamfeet, we have some of the most highly experienced podiatrists in the greater Los Angeles Area. We oversee patients suffering from a range of foot and ankle conditions, and are trained in a variety of areas, including foot and ankle treatments and podiatric surgery. We’re here to make sure you are safe, comfortable, and well cared for. For more information on the top foot surgeon in Los Angeles, schedule a consultation today.

We’ve helped hundreds of clients with foot ailments from ingrown toenails to tendon surgery, and we can help you, too. Call to set up a consultation so we can determine your personalized treatment plan and have your feet looking and feeling their best.

But, first, you might be wondering what our range of services is. We have wide range of services; read below to see if one of them might be the answer to your problem.

Bunion Surgery

The most common symptoms of bunions are a bump on the foot at the base of the big toe with swelling or soreness around the joint. You might noticed thickened skin at the base of the big toe, corns, calluses, foot pain, and limited movement of the toe. If you are suffering foot pain due to bunions, our team provides bunion surgery with quick recovery time, with patients being able to walk the same day. Dr. Jamfeet is the trusted provider of Bunion Surgery in Los Angeles,  even specializing in revision bunion surgery to correct previously failed bunionectomies.

Tailor’s Bunion Repair

Tailor’s Bunions, commonly referred to as a bunionette, is a bony growth on the little toe of the foot, and can cause pain, swelling, cysts, calluses, ulcers, and numbness. These can cause mild to throbbing discomfort around the joints of the little toes. Most patients respond well to the non-surgical treatments to Tailor’s Bunions, and in the rare case that a patient needs a bunionectomy, our trained surgeons are extremely skilled and experienced in this procedure.


Commonly caused by wearing shoes that are too small or too tight, hammertoe is a fairly common foot issue for which there are several treatment options. From trimming corns and calluses to medications, our experienced doctors will create a custom hammertoe treatment plan right for your individual condition.

Cosmetic Foot Surgery

Lots of people are looking to minimally invasive surgical procedures to make sure their feet look great in sandals and feel great in their favorite shoes. If you don’t like the way your feet look or feel, contact us today!

Big Toe Joint Replacement

If you develop a stiff big toe joint, it can impede your ability to walk, making each step painful. This issue can get progressively worse over time, so if you’re facing it, come to us. We have a range of treatments, including cortisone injections, a minor surgery to correct joint stiffness, and in extreme cases, joint fusion.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

If you are a woman, overweight, have a job that requires lots of walking or standing on hard surfaces, are a runner, have tight calf muscles, or have flat feet, you are a candidate for plantar fasciitis. We have both surgical and nonsurgical treatments for this ailment, so set up a consultation so we can see which is right for you.

Plantar Warts

Symptoms of plantar warts range from lesions or growths on the soles of your feet to small black spots to pain when you press on the soles of your feet. You’ll often find these on your heels or balls of your feet, but because they can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, they can appear elsewhere. The earlier you treat these, the better!

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Although there is, unfortunately, no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, there are many methods of treatment to reduce inflammation and control pain. Our team of experienced professionals will evaluate and prescribe the best personalized treatment plan that revolves solely around your specific issue, starting with nonsurgical solutions until they are exhausted.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown toenails may not seem serious, but they can lead to issues like bacterial and fungal infection, cellulitis, and scarring of the nail fold and the surrounding skin. You can treat them at home by soaking your feet in warm water and applying antibiotic scream, but if that doesn’t work, come visit us and get your ingrown toenail treated the same day!

Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus is incredibly common in the US and there are a variety of treatments available. Treatments include over the counter antifungal medications, prescription medicines, natural at-home remedies like tea tree oil, and filing off white marks. If these don’t work, our laser treatment vaporizes the fungus embedded in your nail bed and affects only the cells responsible for the infection.

Lipoma Treatment

The only treatment that will completely get rid of a foot lipoma is a Foot Lipoma Excision, or foot tumor removal. We inject the area with a local anesthetic, and the recovery time depends on the person and the size of the lipoma, but patients should be able to return home after the excision with minor stitches.

Achilles Tendon Surgery

This surgery can remove hardened fibrous tissue and repair small tendon tears that come as a result of repetitive injuries. If your Achilles tendon has ruptured or torn, this surgery can reattach the ends of a torn tendon, which is a more definitive solution than nonsurgical treatment and minimizes the chance of re-rupturing the Achilles tendon. It’s best to get this procedure performed as soon after the rupture as possible, and recovery can take up to 12 months to regain full strength and range of motion.

Tendon Surgery

Tendon injuries in the foot and ankle are very common, and often times go untreated. It is important to seek medical attention anytime a tendon injury occurs in order to avoid the development of a painful, possibly chronic issue. If you’ve suffered a tendon injury and are looking for the best long-term solution, a tendon surgery might be what you are looking for. Set up a consultation so we can determine your best treatment plan.

Foot and Ankle Fractures

The treatment of a foot or ankle depends on the location of the injury and how severe it is. Fractures can heal on their own, but without proper treatment, they might not heal correctly. Treatments range, from ice and rest to surgery, so setting up a consultation to determine your treatment plan is very important.

Shock Wave Therapy

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy is a noninvasive surgical procedure that uses sound waves to stimulate healing in some physical disorders. You might be a candidate for ESWT it you have Plantar fasciitis or heel pain that has not been resolved with other treatments. The recovery from this is easy.

Flat Foot Surgery

Being flat footed is a common condition that occurs when tendons that support the arch collapse or are underdeveloped. Though usually painless, it can make actions like standing, walking and running for long periods of time very painful. Our doctors can recommend the best course of action to best treat your particular case of flat feet, which ranges from from shoe inserts to custom orthotics to surgery.

Custom Orthotics

The point of custom orthotics is to correct movements that cause your foot pain and can protect your foot in areas that are painful or sore. There is a large range of custom orthotics, and they are made special to you and your particular issue.

Neuromas Surgery

A neuroma is a growth, or tumor, of a pinched nerve. This is a painful condition that can lead to burning pain in your foot and toes and even numbness and tingling. Something to remember? Foot pain is not normal! The treatments for neuromas range from medication to surgery, and your particular treatment plan will depend on your particular case.

Diabetic Foot Treatment

Diabetes can cause life-threatening complications to your feet because of an accumulation of blood sugar causing downstream effects to your nerves and blood vessels. Symptoms include tingling, numbness, loss of sensation in your feet, decreased blood flow to your feet, and many others. Podiatrists can help patients avoid major complications.

Fat Pad Augmentation

If you are an athlete, dancer, have flat feet, love high heels, have hammer toe or diabetes, you might benefit from fat pad augmentation. Overtime, the fat pat on the bottom of your feet loses thickness and resilience which can cause pain at the balls of your feet and discomfort while walking barefoot or in shoes. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to consider fat pad augmentation.

Joint Replacement Implant

Great toe arthritis is a common problem that often leads to severe pain and limited everyday functionality. Modern joint replacement implants are proven to withstand extreme force and can provide patients with a totally new quality of life.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot symptoms range from dry skin to itching and burning to inflammation. If you think you have Athlete’s Foot, come in for a consultation where one of our doctors might take samples of the fungi from your skin to determine your diagnosis. Often times, the treatment plan is an oral or topical medication.

Foot Surgeon in Los Angeles

If you think you are a candidate for a foot procedure, please contact the top foot surgeon in Los Angeles to set up a consultation!