What Happens If Bunion Surgery Doesn’t Work?

What Happens If Bunion Surgery Doesn’t Work?

Bunion surgery can help to correct the imbalances that a bunion can bring to one’s health and gait. Most bunions don’t ultimately require surgery to correct, but the ones that do can severely interfere with one’s quality of life unless they are removed. Our guide looks at what happens if bunion surgery doesn’t work.

Sometimes, however, a bunion surgery can fail. In this case, the pain or deformity caused by a bunion will return. In this case, you’ll have to go in for a revision bunionectomy.

What Happens If Bunion Surgery Doesn’t Work?

If you’re suffering from bunions or have recently had surgery that didn’t work out, take a look at this guide to revision bunion surgery.

What Is a Bunion?

A bunion is a term that refers to a prominent bump along the inside of your big toe. It’s a common condition that impacts many people each year. If you notice that you have a bump on the inside of your big toe, then you might be developing a bunion.

Bunions are problematic in the way that the bigger that they get, the more that they might interfere with your ability to walk and perform day to day tasks. You won’t know if your own bunion will become this debilitating when it first begins, and you will have to wait to see how it will develop. This can make bunions especially problematic to deal with due to their unpredictability, as well as the complex physiology of the foot.

Symptoms of an Unsuccessful Bunion Surgery

You’ll know that your initial bunion surgery didn’t work if you continue to experience the pain and symptoms that went along with your initial experience with a bunion. This primarily includes various deformities of the bones and joints, which tend to bend at various angles around the first toe.

There are some precautions that come along with undergoing revision bunion surgery. For example, patients who have conditions of the nerves and blood pressure problems. In addition, your physician will likely recommend that you do not remove a bunion if it doesn’t cause you significant problems. In general, your physician will not recommend that you receive bunion surgery just to make the appearance of your feet look better.

Basics of Revision Bunion Surgery

In general, revision bunion surgery typically takes a longer time than the first procedure you receive. This is due to the physiological changes that are brought about in the initial procedure, which can include the presence of scar tissue and an altered anatomy.

During a revision surgery, incisions are made around the first toe and in the arch of the foot. You may be given a set of special instructions for your recovery process, which can include wearing protective wrapping, protective boots or braces, and limiting your daily activity. Your doctor will give you a personalized set of instructions.

Recovering from Revision Bunion Surgery

Recovery from revision bunion surgery typically takes as long as the recovery from a normal bunion surgery. After your surgery, your foot will be placed in a brace or shoe. You may be asked to avoid putting weight on the foot that has received surgery. The sutures are usually removed two weeks after one’s surgery.

In general, there are some elements of the recovery process that are highly personal and related to the extent of your revision procedure. You’ll be able to discuss with your surgeon what your anticipated recovery time will be in relation to your personal situation.

Risks of Revision Surgery

There are several different complications that are possible with receiving revision bunion surgery. Many of the risks that you are at risk of incurring will have to do with your personal health situation and the exact details of your revision surgery. Some of the more common risks that are incurred include the following:

  • Infection
  • Damage to the nerves
  • Blood vessels
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Risks associated with anesthesia
  • Blood flow issues
  • Prolonged swelling

In general, revision surgery is considered to be a difficult procedure. Following this, the chance of having some kind of complication is fairly high. The bones in your feet may fail to heal, or they may heal incorrectly. These are all risks that come with the territory in terms of trying to heal and correct the

Your Trusted Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Jamfeet and their dedicated team are completely committed to the process of offering patients the best service that can come from a Los Angeles podiatrist. If you think you might need a revision bunion procedure, contact Jamfeet today in order to set up a consultation and get back to feeling your best.