Will Bunions Affect Runners?

Will Bunions Affect Runners?

If you are an avid runner, triathlete or engage in any other type of sport that requires constant food motion, bunions can be a difficult and annoying affliction to deal with. Finding comfortable shoes, affording bunion specific products and working out through the pain are just a few of the ways that bunions can interfere with your workout regime. Find out more about how bunions develop, if they will affect your running, and what measures you can take to get rid of them with this in-depth blog from Jamfeet. If you need bunion surgery in Los Angeles, contact the dedicated team at Jamfeet today to schedule your first consultation.

What are Bunions?

Bunions are tiny bone growths that extend from the base of the big toe and cause the joint to be slightly deformed. This deformity attributes pain to anyone with this affliction while they are wearing tight shoes or physically active. Running, working out and even walking in sneakers becomes difficult and painful for patients who have developed bunions, and often leads to patients spending a large amount of money on specialized shoes and shoe inserts, or giving up on working out to avoid further pain.

Will Bunions Affect Your Running?

Yes, and no. Bunion pain is determined on a case by case diagnosis and studies show that there are some patients who find their bunions unmanageable, while others barely realize the deformity. If your bunions are causing significant pain, consider getting bunion surgery in Los Angeles to correct the joint formation and relieve your pain symptoms.

Bunions can affect your running routine by delaying the amount of time and consecutive days you may feel physically able to complete, and they might require excessive foot accessories for you to be comfortable walking or running in sneakers. If the bone is affecting your running or workout regime to the point where you are in constant pain during exercise, consider seeing your doctor about a more permanent solution to your pain.

How to Manage Your Bunions

Managing your bunions can be accomplished externally and through a doctor dictated procedure. To determine which option is the best for your situation, practice a few simple techniques to diagnose your symptoms. The first technique is a visual exercise. If your big toe is visibly bent at the base of the joint to a degree that looks extremely unnatural, your bunions may be more severe than other mild cases. If your bunions impact the performance of your four smaller toes, undergoing bunion surgery in Los Angeles could be the solution you need for the most effective pain relief.

The next technique to employ is a compression test using your favorite or frequently used workout shoes. Tie your shoes on your feet a little tighter than you would normally and attempt a brief active stretching routine. This includes small exercises such as high knees, short range shuffles, and brief high intensity sprint training. If these exercises bring you moderate to severe pain, you should consider a management option. If your pain is noticeable but not to the point where you must stop working out, use your best judgement to determine if you need externally supports for future workouts.

If your bunions cause you moderate pain during testing exercises, consider the use of external bunion guards that can be found at local grocery and drug stores. Guard differ by type of application and maximum relief offered, so be sure to accurately assess your pain and where it emulates from the most before purchasing an exterior management device. If your pain is unbearable during the test exercises, seriously consider receiving bunion surgery in Los Angeles. This surgery could eliminate any pain that you may be experiencing due to your bunions and has the potential to get you back to a consistent, enjoyable workout routine once again. Contact our team at Jamfeet today to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Jamshidinia to diagnose your bunions now.