The laser light beam has no effect on healthy tissue. Patients should experience no discomfort during or after the treatment.
Pts will experience some warming of the nail which will not be painful or cause any discomfort. The patient will also sometimes experience a spray of cooling agent which will cool any discomfort immediately.
It takes approximately 25 minutes to treat all toes. We recommend treatment of all toes to eradicate toenails which have yet to manifest clinical signs of disease. We feel this will help prevent recurrence as well if some fungal cells are not treated which are in other nails yet to show the clinical manifestations of disease. The vast majority of our patients need 1 or 2 treatments and this is dependent upon length of time patient has had the infection and the severity in which the nail is involved for totally involved thick nails the recommendation is 3 treatments to fully eradicate the fungus.
It takes approximately 10 minutes to treat a big toe. Naturally, if you have more than one toe infected, it may take a little longer. The vast majority of our patients require only one or 2 treatments.